The Weekly Wrap-up: June 24-29, 2024

We made it! This is it, the official first post I’m writing solely on my new website!

Yes, I bit the bullet, pulled the trigger, whatever idiom you want to use, that’s what I did. This is by no means the final product of this website. There are obviously a lot of things I could do with it, but I need your feedback for that. I don’t even really know what all of the buttons do, and I’m the one who put them on the screen. I have to say, Squarespace does have some nice templates, but they aren’t entirely intuitive when it comes to the process. I had to put my Google Maven hat on and do some serious digging.

But we’re here now. I hope you like the color scheme, the backdrops, the links - please go all out with the clicky and the read-y. And please share with your friends! I’m really trying to be diligent in my funding and other side jobs. I love my work, and I love hanging out with animals, and I love being able to help people! So that’s what I’m trying to facilitate.

So, what has this week looked like? Obviously, this website has taken up a good portion of my time. But I have also managed to do some other stuff. We had a debrief of this season’s Family Fun Night. FFN is our periodic gathering of OMS family/friends to eat and chat and do fun stuff together. I have basically been in charge of it for the last two years, though I have a lot of people who help me. I wanted to take a look at what we’ve been doing and see if there are other, better options. I think we have come up with a good plan for next year. I don’t want to perpetuate something just for the sake of that thing, but people do seem to enjoy the opportunity to hang out outside of work.

We had a T&M production meeting on Tuesday. It was nice to have everyone one one screen at the same time. We don’t often get to work together a lot, so it’s nice to chat. We have some fun projects coming up, and of course, plenty of maintenance.

Yes, I’m still working on art swaps. I’m getting closer, and I’m going to recruit someone else to help. That should speed things up considerably.

Lydia and friends! That was the title on the order of service for prayer chapel on Wednesday. We all know that means Sarah and I. :D We were the worship team and did two songs. Prayer chapel was all about the Board meetings that happened this week. We prayed for both the US and the Global Boards. Honestly, I don’t really know what they do. I mean, yeah, they make decisions, but I never really know how much these things effect the day to day. As Thomas Jefferson might say (or at least did in “Hamilton”), I want to be in the room where it happens. Weirdly, I want to be included in the decisions that might impact my life.

I digress.

I published the sixth volume of Swahili booklets for New Village Church Planting. I don’t think that’s our biggest volume, but it does include several booklets. I’m excited to see how our Swahili-speaking pastors use these materials. (I’m gonna have to explain what differentiates each term at some point, aren’t I? Remind me later.)

Finally, I must relay an absolutely unhinged conversation I heard because it made me laugh so hard. We were walking around the building (as we do) and came across two of the summer maintenance crew attempting to install a shelf in Mobilization. We gave our opinion on placement (as we do) and discovered that they didn’t have anything to mark the wall with. We were looking around for something when one of my coworkers chimed in. “I have colored tape,” he said.

“Colored?” someone questioned.

“Oh, sorry. African American tape.”

I don’t care who you are. That’s funny.

Anyway, that should probably be it from me today. There will be no weekly wrap-up next week due to the holiday, but I might do a rumination if I feel like it. Please don’t misuse fireworks and lose important body parts this weekend.



The Weekly Wrap-up: July 8-12, 2024


The Weekly Wrap-Up: June 17-21, 2024