Let’s (Try To) Catch Up…

“Tyrone, you know how much I love watching you work, but I've got my country's 500th anniversary to plan, my wedding to arrange, my wife to murder and Guilder to frame for it; I'm swamped.”

“Get some rest. If you haven’t got your health, you haven’t got anything.”

These lines between Prince Humperdinck and Count Rugen from the eminently quotable The Princess Bride have oft been uttered around the Hollopeter household. They are mostly greeted with an eye roll; on occasion, you’ll get a huff of laughter.

They usually come out when we’re running around like chickens, trying to get too many things done. (When someone lets out a cough or sneeze, they get the second line.)

All that to say, I have felt like Prince Humperdinck in the last two weeks. No spousal murder planned, but my list of to-dos only grew, while the list of ‘dids’ stayed distressingly short.

I didn’t do myself any favors. I accepted a dog-sitting gig for this week a couple of months ago. Don’t get me wrong, I like the extra money. It will help me pay for a new car battery. But I could have used a little more time at home to take care of some things.

Right, so I started that before I left the office on December 17. It is now December 31. Slightly more than two weeks, but I did actually intend to get this out before Christmas.

Clearly, that didn’t happen.

As crazy as life was before I went to my parents’ place for vacation, things got exponentially more crazy.

Things started out well. I remembered everything I intended and needed to take with me (minus a couple of anxiety pills), including the cards I needed to finish. That always takes longer than you think it will.



It was done. The whole blog was done. The blessed thing that took forever to write because I have no time management skills and litERALLY JUST FINISHED WRITING ONLY FOR THE PAGE TO REFRESH


I can’t do this. I had witty repartee about my Christmas skin condition, the fact that I wrapped my own gifts (as in gifts that were intended for me), how horrible we were all feeling before the holiday only to come together in sweet harmony and love for our Lord and Savior and it was great and it was done and now it’s gone.

I can’t rewrite it. I honestly can’t. By all means, send me an email with questions, leave a comment, or call me, but I can’t write everything that I literally just buckled down to finish because I will go even more mad than I am in this very moment.

At least the anxiety pills are literally across the street.

There was a train. It was going to be beautiful. I talked about Mark Lowry. (See my 33rd birthday post for more about him.)

There was an explanation about why it’s now January 6th and not 2024 anymore. WHY?!


I hope the only stuff you had to sweat over the holidays was small stuff.



Putting the WE in We-Wu: The We-Wu up to January 17, 2025


Thanksgiving Eve: The We-Wu for November 18-22, 2024