Homes 4 Haiti

Back in 2010, there was a devastating earthquake in Haiti. OMS has a lot of missionaries and ministries in this country, so we immediately knew we had to help. But we wanted it to be something practical. Thus, Homes 4 Haiti was born. I helped put together the original brochure for this project, encouraging teams to travel to Haiti for 1-2 weeks to build homes for families who had lost everything. This project has continued steadily for the last four years, and I just found out some cool statistics that I want to share.

Year           # of teams sent                # of homes built               # of people sent
2010                     2                                       1                                       8
2011                    17                                     16                                   156
2012                    21                                     17                                   265
2013                    23                                    *20                                  283
2014                    23                                    *15                                  334
TOTALS            86                            69                             1,046

In 2013 * includes building a school depot at Gressier

In 2014 * includes building 3 outhouses, installing 3 wells, and 1 Orphan Home at Gressier

OMS is now building a community in Bon Repos, Haiti, for the poorest of the poor. At the center of the community is a church.

You can contribute to this project here: Be sure to add project number 408065 when you give.


I will post more in 2015.


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