Literacy and You
How much is the ability to read worth to you?
Think about it for a few minutes.
What does the ability to read do for you?
It helps you know what is going on in the world.
It gives you perspective on other cultures.
It provides an escape to exciting new worlds.
It allows us to travel.
Now think of all the things we couldn't do if we couldn't read.
You likely can't get a high-paying job.
You can't verify what people are telling you as true.
You can't read the Bible.
(You also wouldn't be reading this, and that's just tragic.)
So, think about my question again. How much is the ability to read worth to you?
Apparently, for me, it's worth a mild case of hypothermia.
(Probably more. I read a lot. Like, every day. I can't imagine what I'd do without it.)
For the past few years, ECC has done a Walk for Literacy to benefit literacy programs in Africa and South America. Literacy is incredibly important to the work of ECC because so much of what we do involves words. We want people to be reading their Bibles.
Plus, T&M is 64 booklets full of words.
Last Saturday was this year's event, and because I don't want to walk 5k, but do want to help, I hung out along the route and pointed people in the proper direction and cheered them on.
And because it was November, it was 40 degrees and incredibly windy.
Hence the hypothermia.
But we still had a good time!
We had some folks from outside OMS.
Some of our MKs.
James, on the left, is the Director of Literacy for ECC.
In all, we had 22 walkers/runners, one baby, and one dog.
And one guy who thought the run was so nice, he did it twice. (20 minutes for the first lap, about 24 for the second. Yes, he lapped several people. He moved fast, so I had to get a pic when I could.)
At the end, we gathered for hot chocolate and donuts.
You can donate to the literacy effort by sending a check to One Mission Society and putting "Literacy" on the memo line.