The Weekly Wrap-Up: January 2-5, 2023
I know it only says January up there, but it has come to my attention that I haven't actually posted anything since the beginning of December, so this is more of a recap of the last month.
The lead-up to Christmas was pretty decent. Understandably, the translators don't send a lot of work in around the holidays, so it gave me a lot of time to work on Christmas cards and letters to donors. I have also been working on cyber security training, a lot of which is hilarious, especially in the acting. It's good information, of course, but a lot of it is quite redundant.
Did you know I'm an angel? You probably did because of course I am.
And some others, I guess. But mostly me. And some shepherds.
That was our last chapel before Christmas. It was a good one.
Christmas was lovely. I had a great time with my parents here in Greenwood. I got a new sword (sweet!) and some great t-shirts. I gave my mom a gift that took her about 20 minutes to open - super fun. And I got my dad a train set. No idea where he'll put it, but I think he appreciated the thought.
I worked most of the week between Christmas and New Year's. Not much else to do around here. But I attended a lovely party for the transition from 2023 to 2024 and then hit the good sales.
And now we're back at work. There is always a time of catching up and lamenting all of the things you said you'd take care of next year. My big project right now is fixing the big mistakes in some of our published files. Not the small ones like spelling mistakes, though those are important, but the really glaring ones like missing back pages. Yes, that does happen. We're human. Mistakes are part of life.
It's nice to have time to do stuff like this, though. We're usually snowed under by incoming projects, but we're down to just a handful of languages. We have some things on the horizon, but for now, we can take our time streamlining more things and making sure we have the best product possible.
I hope you have a great (and warm - it's freezing in this building) weekend.