The Weekly Wrap-Up: March 27-31, 2023
Spanish is never going to end.
Am I being dramatic? A little. But it certainly feels that way. To be fair, though, I was working on booklet 52 (Church Growth Guide), which has at least 100 images to switch. No exaggeration. But that one is done now. I just need some uninterrupted time to do the rest and then publish the booklets.
But, I'm still working on Family Fun Night stuff and responding to email inquiries. And on Wednesday, I had a last minute request to run the A/V for chapel.
I don't think I've ever articulated what goes into that. We stream chapel simultaneously so that our further away family can participate and keep up with things as well as HQ folks. So that means starting the Zoom meeting and spotlighting whomever is speaking. But we also record chapel so that anyone who can't watch live is able to watch later. So you have to click the right program to make that happen. And mics need to be on, words for songs need to be showing on the screens - and all of this needs to be done at roughly the same time.
I usually remember to do about 90% of it at the correct time. I'm sure if I did it more often, I'd eventually get to 100%. But we do what we can. And it's a nice change of pace.
Not much else to report from the week. April is going to be fairly busy, so we'll see what that brings. I hope you have a great weekend!