The Weekly Wrap-Up: January 30 - February 3, 2023
This was a short week for me. It wasn't meant to be, but over the weekend, I let a germ colony loose in my body. I spent most of Monday and Tuesday alternately sleeping, hacking up a lung, and blowing my nose. You're welcome for the visuals.
But I couldn't stay away forever, so I returned to my post on Wednesday. Since then, I have been working on Haitian Creole booklets. The first group I did was great - a few minor things to clean up here and there. But this last group is not going so well.
Those would be missing translations. And considering we're on the second pass, that's doubly not good. So I've been filling those in and trying to figure out how that even happened in the first place.
But it's not all bad news. We finally have a new app that will help us in publishing booklets. Most of the stuff out there is ridiculously expensive or user unfriendly. But Veronica found us a viable alternative. This should make things go much faster.
Speaking of publishing, we're nearly done with the Bengali booklet. That had its own delay because the printer our partners use (and that's a profession, not a device) is using equipment from the '70s, if not earlier. It is so easy to take for granted the digital wonders of the modern world, but not everyone has access to those things. Thus, we sometimes have to go old school - meaning we make things less sophisticated so that people can still use them. It's a great lesson for us. We love making things faster and easier, but if people can't use it, then we might as well not produce anything. I think ministry especially always has to straddle the line between 'the latest thing' and the sensible thing. Sometimes we do it well. Sometimes not so much.
So that was my week! I hope yours has been productive and enjoyable. Don't let any germ colonies attack you this weekend.