The Weekly Wrap-Up: February 20-24, 2023
Greetings, citizens!
This has been a full week. I have been working on my prayer letter for quite a bit of it. I have to confess, I rewrote it a couple of times. The first time, even as I was writing, I was thinking 'I don't know if I agree with this.' The words just weren't coming out how I wanted, which meant things were implied that I didn't mean to imply. Nothing terrible, just some deep theological issues that I had to reconcile and figure out how to phrase so you all didn't think I was a heretic. Lord knows there's already enough of that going around. Anyway, I'm waiting on that to be approved before I can send it out. It'll say February, but it will probably be March before you read it. I should work on getting those done earlier.
The second big project this week was Spanish booklets. I had to put those on hold for a bit, but I managed to get another group's art swapped. Now I'm working on the final Korean booklets (the new ones) so we can have everything ready for training in two weeks.
My third ongoing project is social media. I've been trying to do more with the T&M Facebook page. I'm just at a loss for what people want to know. But if you'd like to follow it or give suggestions, please feel free. I could always use the encouragement.
Those are the big ones this week. I got a new project this morning, so that will likely be my focus for next week. Unless something else comes up. It's amazing how often that happens.
But until then, I'm going to have a lovely weekend, which is also what I wish for you.