The Weekly Wrap-Up: September 27-30, 2022
I hope all of my readers who were born in the United States realize just how blessed they are today. I've been seeing the news out of Iran, and I can't help but think, "There but for the grace of God go I."
We didn't choose where we were born. And I can't really know what I would do if I'd been born in a different country. Maybe my life wouldn't be that different. Maybe I'd be getting beaten in the street because I cut my hair in public.
I really just need people who are relatively free to realize that it could be a lot worse. And maybe then stop complaining about their #firstworldproblems.
Sorry. I'm a little salty today. And tired.
I'm still recovering from my camping trip last weekend. I had a great time with my parents, but I have to say, I'm not sure how much longer these bones can handle freezing cold and thin mattresses. I'm glad I went, though. My dad and I had some really good conversations.
This week, we're back to the grindstone. I'm still making my way through Spanish booklets, replacing art. It occurs to me that I could actually show you. (Yes, I did go make a screen recording.)
That's my life now. That, and creating fliers and sign-up sheets for the next family fun night, which I am hosting. And running A/V for chapel this week. The usual stuff.
I think that about wraps things up for the week. I plan to sleep the weekend away and then moan about how I didn't have enough time to get things done.