The Weekly Wrap-Up: July 11-15, 2022
I was surprisingly busy this week. I mean, I always have stuff to do, but this week was a little more random in the tasks than usual.
All week, I have been wrestling with a spreadsheet. I'm decent with Excel, but this thing was not cooperating when it came to formulas. Maybe I had too many, I don't know. So I created a bunch of workarounds, but they are pretty annoying, and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who knows (mostly) how I did it. But this particular project will be done in August, so I won't have to deal with it for much longer.
I have also continued my search through photos and started some research for the Super Secret Project. I'm realizing just how terrible my file system actually is. It made sense at the time. The problem is that 'at the time' refers to every instance of me creating a new file. Plus, it has transferred across multiple computers, and each computer had a slightly different naming system. I could probably try to create something better with actual rules and move all of my files into the appropriate folders and never wonder again where something specific resides, but that would take so much time and tedium. I want one of those computers like in "Minority Report" or "Iron Man" with the holographic interface that lets me see everything I have at one time so I can move lots of things at one time.
Our normal tech guy is on vacation this week and next, so I'm running chapel. If nothing else, it always reveals just how little I know about audio/visual stuff. But I guess it went okay, and I did actually put some effort into making sure it would go okay. So there's that.
I think I've talked about booklet 064 on here before. I probably even said it was done and ready to be published.
I was mistaken.
We had a few more changes to make to it, which meant I had to retag some of the paragraphs. Took me a hot minute to do that and then get it off to Eliana, who is working on updating templates. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say we're not changing anything else in it for a while. I'm probably going to eat those words within the month.
I think part of what made this week seem so crazy was all the stuff I did in the evenings. We had a work picnic on Tuesday night, at which I played (and lost) frisbee golf. On Wednesday, I hung out at Costco with some friends. We had to wait out a downpour. On Thursday, I had a doctor's appointment that ended up being quite painful, so I took off the last hour of work and went to hang out with some cats.
So yeah, that's my week. I hope yours has been profitable in some way and that you get the rest you need this weekend.