Where's Your Line?
I don't really talk about politics on here. That's not what this space is for, it's usually a direct route to arguments, and frankly, we're not really supposed to as missionaries. We're here to represent Christ, not a political party. Cool, I get it. Do I have opinions? Yeah. (Shocking.) But do I need to put them front and center? No.
Social issues are a little bit different. Social behaviors are a reflection of a person's heart, their values. Theoretically, a Christian will have different values and behaviors than a non-Christian. I can't judge a non-Christian by Christian standards. They are behaving according to the old nature, and while I will do my best to introduce them to the One who moulds our values and behaviors, I can't actually force a lifestyle change (through law or otherwise) on them.
But I will absolutely hold those who profess to be Christians to a higher standard.
I'll be disappointed in them, absolutely. We're human, and as much as Jesus has told us to strive for perfection, I'm aware of the difficulty in even approaching that, let alone achieving that.
There is a big difference, though, between momentary lapses and willful disobedience.
At this point, you're probably wondering what the heck I'm talking about. And by heck, I mean hell, because that's where this world is headed.
So I came across this article.
I am incensed. Livid. Apoplectic. I've had to walk away from this at least three times just to calm down.
"An affirming hymnal is helping LGBTQ Christians keep the faith"
I feel like I need to make my position on homosexuality clear. And I realize some of you aren't going to like it. I don't care. I feel like my position is biblical and that's really all I'm aiming for.
Same-sex attraction is not a sin.
Acting on same-sex attraction is absolutely a sin.
Do not come at me with "Jesus never said anything about it." He absolutely did by affirming (yeah, I can use that word, too) marriage as a union between a man and a woman. It's a mirror of the relationship between Christ and the Church. The Groom (Christ) takes the Bride (the Church) for the purpose of a holy union that honors God. That's it.
Is the Church a place for sinners? Yes! Jesus said, "It's not the healthy that need a doctor but the sick." But we don't go to church to keep on sinning. We go to get support and resources to STOP sinning.
A few of the 'hymn' titles:
- A Hymn for Self-Acceptance
- God of Queer Transgressive Spaces
- Impartial, Compassionate God
- Quirky, Queer and Wonderful
- The Heart Will Choose the One It Loves
I had to walk away again.
- No. Just no. Self-acceptance is not the goal of a Christian life. The 'self' is not enough. We need salvation through Jesus Christ, which includes actively pursuing God's perfect plan for our lives, which is in line with biblical precepts.
- I don't even know where to start with the second one.
- God is not impartial. Did you know that? He is so incredibly partial that sin cannot exist in his presence! That's why we needed Jesus to act as our intermediary and cleanse us of our sin by dying on the cross!
- I've been called quirky. But there's nothing wonderful about being queer. Just no.
- The heart is deceitful above all things, and incurable - who can know it? (Jeremiah 17:9)
Make no mistake, there is an agenda here. They want to browbeat you into not just tolerating sin but celebrating it. Make the sin the most important thing in your life. Let it be the thing that identifies you.
Satan tried the direct approach. It failed. So he has wormed his way insidiously into our lives. In some ways, it wasn't even that hard. Just compromise on a few things here. Make a few exceptions there. It all comes down to the first Lie.
Did God really say those things? Did he mean them?
Yes. He did. And we're going to face a reckoning. If you're looking for that line you drew and realize it's a few hundred yards behind you, maybe it's time to re-evaluate a few things. What compromises have you made in the name of love?
And I'm not saying this will be easy. It effects family, friends, people we've known for years. But I would hate for judgment to come and realize that I helped 'love' someone into hell.