The Weekly Wrap-Up: March 28 - April 8, 2022
Yep, we're on another two-weeker here. I had a somewhat last-minute opportunity to spend the weekend with my family, and my friends at OMS were very kind to cover my responsibilities to allow that. The last few years have definitely impressed upon me the importance of spending time with your loved ones when you get the chance.
But I was still in the office from Monday to Wednesday. I published a group of French and did some file auditing. We had a really nice chapel with representatives from the Korean Evangelical Church of America.
This week, I've been working on Hindi and Portuguese. I created a status update for our VCP materials and worked on some things for the upcoming CMF Seminar.
There are a lot of changes happening in the office. I've been dodging paint trays and ladders all week as they paint the walls downstairs. I've mostly been in the office alone since Brian is recovering from his trip to Hungary and Sarah had a prayer retreat. My parents are actually in town this weekend (I might tell you more about that in the future), so we're spending some quality time at a flea market Saturday.
That's about it for this edition. Stay warm.