The Weekly Wrap-Up: March 7-11, 2022
The dogs have been successfully reunited with their owners. I have returned to my cold office in the basement. Life is resuming its normal course.
Granted, most of that didn't happen until Wednesday afternoon, so I still spent the majority of the week working elsewhere. That was not always successful, which is why I've been spending more time in the office in the evenings and will probably spend some time in the office this weekend. I'm trying to get a group of Amharic published, which is still slow, but that's largely because I have to split one of the booklets. That always takes more time.
But we prevail! I had a lot of meetings this week about the future. They say, Aslan is on the move! Sorry, couldn't help myself. But yes, big things are coming to OMS. Most people are focused on the big stuff, but I have been somewhat preoccupied with the smaller logistical questions, like which accounts we need to keep and which ones need to change. Also, we still need to move some of development work out of Ukraine. We like our developers, but they have other things on their mind right now, and I think this whole situation has reminded people of the importance of having resources as much in your control as possible. Because you never know when Vladimir Putin will try to get that stick out of an orifice. (Sorry, not sorry, I can't be neutral on this. I lay the blame at one person's feet specifically and the Fall of Man in general.)
Anyway, you know how my weekend will go. I hope you get some rest.