The Weekly Wrap-Up: January 24-28, 2022
Well, it's finally happened.
Snow has come to Greenwood.
Seriously, though, I know it has been everywhere else, but this week we got the first significant snow we've had so far this Winter. I'm enjoying it thus far, but I don't trust it. I fully expect some random blizzard to inundate us sometime soon.
But you didn't come here for that analysis, so let's get on with it.
This was a Board week - not a boring week - with the OMS USA Board here Thursday and Friday. I don't usually have to do much when they're in town, but I did get called on for some tech assistance. Fortunately, I know how to Google and make phone calls to people who understand what to do, so I was successful.
I finished the re-publish of group 1 of Tamil and started on publishing group 2. This group will take longer as we've changed a few styles since the last time it was worked on. Also, I had to interrupt it to work on a Mozambican Portuguese project.
The rest of the week has been spent trying to keep warm and attending the usual meetings. Fun times.
That's about it. Stay awesome.