The Weekly Wrap-Up: September 26 - October 1, 2021
Greetings, fellow humans!
I felt quite productive this week. I was able to complete or work on lots of little things (and one big thing) that have been on my desk for a while. I like weeks like this.
Sarah, Mike, and I have started talking about the ECC Retreat. I doubt it will be a lollapalooza, but it will certainly be better than our completely online celebration last year. It always amazes me how much time it takes to plan these, despite being part of planning for the last couple of years. Thankfully, Sarah is much better at the details, and I can be there to talk to people on the phone when she doesn't want to.
I FINISHED THE PORTUGUESE CAMEL METHOD. Yes, all 108 pages are in the proofreaders hands, and hopefully, there will be very few changes. After a while, I did find myself putting the wrong text in the wrong place just because my eyes started swimming from all the text. But I'm pretty sure I fixed all of those wrong'uns.
I fixed a Tagalog booklet that needed to be republished, and I published all of the booklet formats for Castilian. We use a particular program for that because Adobe wants you to do it one file at a time. I'm not doing that for 85 files. But Lynae, who published the rest of Castilian, doesn't have the program, so I finished that for her. (We're trying to get a different program, but it's slow going. Technology is great when it works, am I right?)
The rest of the week has been decent. Lots of meetings as usual, and only a few of them could have been an email. My mom is in town so we can work on stuff for her church, and I am quite pleased to spend time with her.
Give your loved ones a squeeze this weekend. They deserve it for putting up with you.