The Weekly Wrap-Up: September 13-17, 2021

Why is it already the middle of September? I'm not ready to be cold again. Make it stop!

Unlikely. But oh well.

This was a crazy busy week. I told you last week that I would be helping with tech stuff for Missionary Council. And honestly, the actual running of it was fine. Very few surprises. What it takes is time. I was in the meetings probably 7-8 hours - a full work day. I did hear some interesting things and it was definitely interesting to have a front row seat as leaders discuss the future of OMS. But it was a lot. 

When I wasn't down the hall, I was working on my normal stuff. I FINALLY finished Tamil (for now). I am immensely happy to have that off my plate. Now I'm working on converting our guide on the Camel Method into Mozambican Portuguese. This one is actually more time-consuming because it's part of the VCP course, and I don't have the resources that I normally have with T&M. So I'm copy/pasting the text into the correct position. I'm on page 20 of 108. 

That's what I've got this week. I hope you have had a fantastic week and that this weekend brings you everything you need.



The Weekly Wrap-Up: September 20-24, 2021


The Weekly Wrap-Up: September 6-10, 2021