The Weekly-Wrap Up: July 12-16, 2021
Hello, beautiful people!
Yes, I did in fact survive Wisconsin. And my family. And my family together in Wisconsin. Thank you for praying for us! We had a fantastic time and got to enjoy many of the natural wonders of the state most known for cheese.
Alas, this week I returned to the real world and got back to business. I had a fair amount of catching up to do, which is great because it means my team did a great job without me. But it also meant a lot of emails and answering questions and catch-up meetings. I published a group of Swahili booklets in preparation for creating the next VCP volume.
Sarah and I had a meeting with leadership about some of the safety concerns around the building. We've been part of various safety teams, but they never gained much traction. So, I now know where all of the fire extinguishers are and we have some clear steps for moving forward. It's all part of working to ensure our success as an organization.
I had a meeting on Thursday about digital collaboration - gotta come up with some video skits for that. Not sure when, but I'll find time somewhere. Then four meetings Friday morning (FOUR) about T&M and app stuff and Billion.Global.
Needless to say, I'm looking forward to a stress-free weekend. We'll see if I get it. I hope your weekend is everything you need it to be.