The Weekly Wrap-Up: April 12-23, 2021
Yes, it's true, mea culpa, I didn't do a blog post last week. I had to go up north to do some visiting. I had a lovely time and saw many wonderful people. It was exhausting, though, moreso mentally than physically. It's the most traveling I've done in a while.
So, last week, I was able to publish that group of Russian. I did some proofing for the magazine, which will be out shortly. I hope you'll recognize my handiwork.
Boot camp prep continues apace, and that has been somewhat challenging. We're all approaching Zoom and facilitation with different levels of comfort, so patience and practice are the key words. These are not my favorite words, however, so a little humility comes into play as well. I'm confident we'll be able to put on a good training event, but I'm also glad we have plenty of time beforehand.
This week, I was able to finish a group of Telugu and send it back to the proofreader. I also got a prayer letter written, so that will be going out next week.
Of course, the big news is that I got my first vaccine shot on Tuesday. My arm was a bit sore, but I felt okay after. We'll see what happens after the second shot.
That's about it for me this week.