The Weekly Wrap-Up: February 15-19, 2021
What a crazy week! We've had snow, freezing cold, but fortunately no power outages. I've been knee deep in snow at times, but I always have somewhere cozy to return to.
This has actually been a pretty productive week, which I really hadn't anticipated. We had a snow day on Tuesday. The office was closed because we got a ton of snow and nobody could get anywhere. I live across the street, and I couldn't even get out until after noon.
The rest of the week has been good, if a little bit crazy. I was able to publish the first group of Indonesian, which I really wasn't sure I'd get to. The first group is always the most time-intensive, since you have to split two booklets. But it's done, so I can move on to the next group.
Sarah and I decided that we were going to offer two more boot camps (I mean, other people signed off on it, but we all know Sarah and I are the ones who do the real work around here ;)). So, now that we've decided on dates for the training, we've been going through the manual to make sure everything is current and less ECC-centric in language. We've opened the training up to the wider world of OMS, so the verbiage needs to be a little more neutral. Plus, we've learned a lot from the last two boot camps we did, so we're taking that and making things a little easier to understand. It's still a ton of info to throw at people in three days, though.
Finally, my biggest claim to fame this week - I learned how to create a volume! We have been doing volumes for the VCP curriculum. It's basically a series of booklets that they use in each term. I did the second volume for French, which includes eight booklets. We also have to make the cover pages and the back page. It's a beast when it's printed, but it looks pretty good if I do say so myself. Lots of fiddly bits, though, so you need someone who can pay attention to detail. I hope I'm up to the task. There are eight separate volumes and about five languages that will need them. I'm happy to help with VCP stuff, but it definitely has increased our workload.
And that's my week. I hope your week has been as productive and fulfilling as mine. I hope you have a great weekend as well. Stay warm!