The Weekly Wrap-Up: January 25-29, 2021
Welcome to Zoom Bootcamp, part 2.
This week, we started to see the culmination of the original training we did back in November. Our original 9 trainees have been training 19 new students in the fabulous art of Zoom meetings. We're all about multiplication in ECC, and that's what we set out to do with this. As a consultant in November, I led my team of 3 through the various practice sessions that they presented. Now, I get to watch them do the same with their teams. I have to say, it's a lot less labor intensive this time around, but I still get to watch and provide feedback when things don't quite go to plan. I'm pretty pleased with how things are going so far. Our last day for this training is next Tuesday. Then we send our little ducklings out into the (virtual) world with all of the skills necessary for successful Zoom training events in the future. And our email address, because Zoom keeps updating their software and driving us all crazy.
In the meantime, I managed to complete a group of Vietnamese booklets, start on Indonesian, pause Indonesian to work on French, pause French when I ran into an InDesign problem, and go back to Indonesian. It's a good thing I take good notes, because I would never remember where I am on these projects without it.
I need to write these earlier in the day. I'm too tired and rushed Friday evenings trying to finish up last minute things and finally get home for some sleep.