The Weekly Wrap-Up: September 21-25, 2020
Lots to celebrate this week! Those four groups of Haitian Creole are now fully published! Yay! We typically say that the first three groups of a language represent the MVP - minimum viable product. We picked the booklets in those groups specifically because they are the ones used most often and necessary to starting the process of church multiplication. So, it's nice to be able to send these booklets to our partners in Haiti to begin training.
I was also able to advance the new booklets in Spanish. If you recall, we are doing three versions of Spanish, two of which have been published already. However, we didn't get the two new booklets done in those versions of Spanish, so we've been playing catch up.
Other than that, it's been a fairly tame week. The usual meetings and phone calls happened, and we had a nice lunch with the local ECC folks on Thursday. We don't really see each other that much (understandably), and I think we're all missing the community aspect of our jobs. Zoom just doesn't cut it.
I read somewhere about the six month wall. Like, six months into a traumatic event, you start really feeling the fatigue, especially when the outcome of that event is uncertain. I don't know if it's super scientific, but I have hit that wall. I was dealing really well with the pandemic in the first few months, and then as it drags on, I've become less and less ... secure is really the only word I can think of that fits even marginally well. I don't deal well with uncertainty, and that is going around in spades right now. So I'm withdrawing a bit. I'm limiting my social media, I'm limiting my news intake, and I'm limiting how much I'm going out as well. I've dealt with anxiety before, but never quite on this level, and I need to figure out how to deal with things now.
Which means I appreciate your prayers, especially now. I hope you are well, and if you've hit your own wall, give yourself a break. We're in uncharted territory. Stick to what you know to be true, and rely on your faith.