The Weekly Wrap-Up: July 13-17, 2020
Ladies. Gentlemen. Ducklings.
(I don't even know anymore. If you're still surprised by my spasticity, then I don't know what to tell you.)
It's been a fairly quiet week around here. Maybe I'm just saying that because this particular day has been dull as a graveyard. Although, I actually find graveyards to be quite interesting and have spent many a Saturday photographing ones in the area, so that might be a bad comparison. Whatever. Today I'm at the front desk, desperately trying not to claw my eyes out in between random phone calls and the occasional delivery. There isn't much to do up here. But, I was asked to cover, and it's sometimes nice to do something different, so here I am.
I don't have my handy cheat sheet for the week's activities in front of me, though, so I'll try to recall the highlights. I do know that I've been working on GR02 of Vietnamese this week, mostly because I've been telling everyone what random words in Vietnamese mean. Do I know what they sound like? No. But I can pick out a few books of the Bible, and I would probably understand yes and no.
I had another doc visit on Wednesday, CT scan this time. Part of me hopes they find something because that's a lot of money to spend on a negative result. But of course, the other part of me hopes they don't find something, because if they do, I will spend even more money getting rid of it. Modern medicine is a marvel, but it's an expensive one.
I helped out in an impromptu fashion on Thursday during a Pineapple PD. I didn't know what that was, and turns out, it is not what they call the law in Spongebob. It's like a teaching thing, short and sweet - personal development? I don't know. Anyway, this one was about how to host a Zoom meeting, and since I did that way back in April, I'm apparently something of an expert. Except Zoom keeps changing all the rules, so mostly I just make things up now. Anyway, I was attending to support my coworker Ashley as this was her first PPD thingie. Thingy? The squiggles like the second version better.
Can you tell my self-diagnosed ADD is kicking in? Umm, what else did I do this week? I started to clean my desk in order to find the 5-year pin OMS gave me, but that project was largely abandoned. I might pick it up again later when I can't find something else. Might be a good idea. But I was thinking about the pin because my 10 year anniversary is coming up, and that's just weird. Not sure we'll do a recognition because of the COVID, but never fear, I've had my speech written for months, and you can be sure I'll be sharing it with you fine folks.
Okay, nine minutes until closing time. I'm gonna take some laps around the lobby to get the feeling back into my legs.
(I don't even know anymore. If you're still surprised by my spasticity, then I don't know what to tell you.)
It's been a fairly quiet week around here. Maybe I'm just saying that because this particular day has been dull as a graveyard. Although, I actually find graveyards to be quite interesting and have spent many a Saturday photographing ones in the area, so that might be a bad comparison. Whatever. Today I'm at the front desk, desperately trying not to claw my eyes out in between random phone calls and the occasional delivery. There isn't much to do up here. But, I was asked to cover, and it's sometimes nice to do something different, so here I am.
I don't have my handy cheat sheet for the week's activities in front of me, though, so I'll try to recall the highlights. I do know that I've been working on GR02 of Vietnamese this week, mostly because I've been telling everyone what random words in Vietnamese mean. Do I know what they sound like? No. But I can pick out a few books of the Bible, and I would probably understand yes and no.
I had another doc visit on Wednesday, CT scan this time. Part of me hopes they find something because that's a lot of money to spend on a negative result. But of course, the other part of me hopes they don't find something, because if they do, I will spend even more money getting rid of it. Modern medicine is a marvel, but it's an expensive one.
I helped out in an impromptu fashion on Thursday during a Pineapple PD. I didn't know what that was, and turns out, it is not what they call the law in Spongebob. It's like a teaching thing, short and sweet - personal development? I don't know. Anyway, this one was about how to host a Zoom meeting, and since I did that way back in April, I'm apparently something of an expert. Except Zoom keeps changing all the rules, so mostly I just make things up now. Anyway, I was attending to support my coworker Ashley as this was her first PPD thingie. Thingy? The squiggles like the second version better.
Can you tell my self-diagnosed ADD is kicking in? Umm, what else did I do this week? I started to clean my desk in order to find the 5-year pin OMS gave me, but that project was largely abandoned. I might pick it up again later when I can't find something else. Might be a good idea. But I was thinking about the pin because my 10 year anniversary is coming up, and that's just weird. Not sure we'll do a recognition because of the COVID, but never fear, I've had my speech written for months, and you can be sure I'll be sharing it with you fine folks.
Okay, nine minutes until closing time. I'm gonna take some laps around the lobby to get the feeling back into my legs.