The Weekly Wrap-Up: January 20-24, 2020
Oh hai there!
It's been a productive week for Train & Multiply. Lots of meeting still, but I did manage to finish the first group of Castilian, so it's out for proofing now. That was a fun project, which I only say with slight sarcasm. I spent most of Wednesday alphabetizing the SAG subject menu. That sounds like an easy task, right? But it's more than just putting things in a certain order. I also have to retag everything so that any corrections will go in the correct spot. It also has all of the activities listed for each subject, which have to correspond with the correct word, and then all of those have to be tagged as well. So, yeah. It's tedious, but it's important.
Then I got through another group of the European English, so those will be ready for publishing when I get through the rest of the groups. But for now, I'm focusing my attention on publishing Mizo Chin. This has been a great project that has moved pretty smoothly, and I will get to say that I published two versions of Chin booklets. Couldn't do it without my team, of course, and they've been buckling down on other projects, so things are moving forward quite smoothly.
Other than that, there isn't much to report. We had Board meetings here this week, but I have nothing to do with that other than actually wearing my name tag for once. It's not that I don't want people knowing who I am, it's that most people around here already know. I hang out in my basement cave and occasionally walk around. Visitors make me nervous.
I need some kind of clever sign off. Like, "That's the way the cookie crumbles" or "Keep your stick on the ice" or "Good night and good luck."
It's been a productive week for Train & Multiply. Lots of meeting still, but I did manage to finish the first group of Castilian, so it's out for proofing now. That was a fun project, which I only say with slight sarcasm. I spent most of Wednesday alphabetizing the SAG subject menu. That sounds like an easy task, right? But it's more than just putting things in a certain order. I also have to retag everything so that any corrections will go in the correct spot. It also has all of the activities listed for each subject, which have to correspond with the correct word, and then all of those have to be tagged as well. So, yeah. It's tedious, but it's important.
Then I got through another group of the European English, so those will be ready for publishing when I get through the rest of the groups. But for now, I'm focusing my attention on publishing Mizo Chin. This has been a great project that has moved pretty smoothly, and I will get to say that I published two versions of Chin booklets. Couldn't do it without my team, of course, and they've been buckling down on other projects, so things are moving forward quite smoothly.
Other than that, there isn't much to report. We had Board meetings here this week, but I have nothing to do with that other than actually wearing my name tag for once. It's not that I don't want people knowing who I am, it's that most people around here already know. I hang out in my basement cave and occasionally walk around. Visitors make me nervous.
I need some kind of clever sign off. Like, "That's the way the cookie crumbles" or "Keep your stick on the ice" or "Good night and good luck."