The Weekly Wrap-Up: January 21-25, 2019
I started the week in Tagalog. Then I had to interrupt that to work on Hakha Chin. Then I had to interrupt that to add some art in Romanian. Then back to Hakha Chin. Then I finally got around to publishing three groups of Tagalog.
So here's what I'm learning about being team leader - it's doable, but there's quite a bit more admin work than I like. Just the sheer amount of documentation and tracking is insanity. One of my goals is to cut down on that as much as possible while still maintaining an adequate amount of information. But I'm also learning that there isn't a lot of time to give to innovation. I've been wanting to find new avenues to share T&M, new products to offer, and better production tools. But I'm at capacity. We're in desperate need of more production staff, but even that is going to be difficult, because I'd have to find time to train them. I'm sorry now for some of the things I said about Veronica before (not all, mind).
But we're getting there. Yesterday was just a Bad Day all around, but I think I was able to recover better than before. I'm encouraged.
The Board is in town this week. We got the usual email about having a clean work space and wearing our name tags. I don't think I managed either. But then, I don't think anyone from the Board saw my office space, so who cares? Besides, what are they going to think if I have a messy space? That I spend more time doing my job than making sure my space is tidy? Because it's true.
We had two chapels this week, which is unusual with the new schedule, but again, Board in town. On Wednesday, we had a recognition chapel for Pat, who has been with OMS for 10 years. She's in ECC, so we also went out to lunch. That was nice. Then on Thursday, one of the Board members preached. He was trying to be controversial but not really, which drives me nuts, but I do it all the time, so I can't really say anything about it. Except I will and did. If you're going to be controversial, tell me something new. Challenge the paradigms. Don't go for shock value and then say we're supposed to love one another as Christians. Really? It's only the second greatest commandment. It's literally our job as missionaries.
But whatever. I'm fine. It's all fine.
I was going to explain the art thing, but I think I'm doing more of that next week with Korean, so I'll save it for then. Gives you something to look forward to...
So here's what I'm learning about being team leader - it's doable, but there's quite a bit more admin work than I like. Just the sheer amount of documentation and tracking is insanity. One of my goals is to cut down on that as much as possible while still maintaining an adequate amount of information. But I'm also learning that there isn't a lot of time to give to innovation. I've been wanting to find new avenues to share T&M, new products to offer, and better production tools. But I'm at capacity. We're in desperate need of more production staff, but even that is going to be difficult, because I'd have to find time to train them. I'm sorry now for some of the things I said about Veronica before (not all, mind).
But we're getting there. Yesterday was just a Bad Day all around, but I think I was able to recover better than before. I'm encouraged.
The Board is in town this week. We got the usual email about having a clean work space and wearing our name tags. I don't think I managed either. But then, I don't think anyone from the Board saw my office space, so who cares? Besides, what are they going to think if I have a messy space? That I spend more time doing my job than making sure my space is tidy? Because it's true.
We had two chapels this week, which is unusual with the new schedule, but again, Board in town. On Wednesday, we had a recognition chapel for Pat, who has been with OMS for 10 years. She's in ECC, so we also went out to lunch. That was nice. Then on Thursday, one of the Board members preached. He was trying to be controversial but not really, which drives me nuts, but I do it all the time, so I can't really say anything about it. Except I will and did. If you're going to be controversial, tell me something new. Challenge the paradigms. Don't go for shock value and then say we're supposed to love one another as Christians. Really? It's only the second greatest commandment. It's literally our job as missionaries.
But whatever. I'm fine. It's all fine.
I was going to explain the art thing, but I think I'm doing more of that next week with Korean, so I'll save it for then. Gives you something to look forward to...