The Weekly Wrap-Up: February 26 - March 2, 2018
Let's deal with the melodramatics from last week first, shall we?
I'm fine. Ish. More like, I'm the same as I have been. Not worse. Not much better. So we're back to the waiting game. I feel stupid for getting all worked up. Or working other people up. I wasn't as bothered as some people seemed to think I should be. This is going down a weird rabbit trail. Sorry. Moving on.
It's been a good week. I got one group of Hakha Chin done, and I made a start on the second before I had to pause that to do a higher priority project. Someone realized that there's a training event in Estonia in two weeks, so I'm finishing up two groups of that so they actually have the booklets they need.
I don't mind too much, though it can be hard to remember where you left off on a project. This is why we document things, though, isn't it?
Chapels were interesting this week. All about marriage, which really holds no interest for me. But there are things that can be applied to other relationships, so it wasn't terrible. One thing I came away with is that it usually takes 5 positive interactions to counteract one negative interaction. I believe it. I always remember the bad stuff before the good stuff, so it stands to reason that you'd need more good experiences to drown out the bad ones.
Umm, what else happened this week? We had a training event, which I actually had nothing to do with, but I benefited from them having lunch brought in. That's always nice. Plus, I got to hang out with Sarah and Madison a bit more than I normally do, which is always fun.
One other interesting thing this week is that, at least early in the week, everyone that could be in our office was actually here!
I'm fine. Ish. More like, I'm the same as I have been. Not worse. Not much better. So we're back to the waiting game. I feel stupid for getting all worked up. Or working other people up. I wasn't as bothered as some people seemed to think I should be. This is going down a weird rabbit trail. Sorry. Moving on.
It's been a good week. I got one group of Hakha Chin done, and I made a start on the second before I had to pause that to do a higher priority project. Someone realized that there's a training event in Estonia in two weeks, so I'm finishing up two groups of that so they actually have the booklets they need.
I don't mind too much, though it can be hard to remember where you left off on a project. This is why we document things, though, isn't it?
Chapels were interesting this week. All about marriage, which really holds no interest for me. But there are things that can be applied to other relationships, so it wasn't terrible. One thing I came away with is that it usually takes 5 positive interactions to counteract one negative interaction. I believe it. I always remember the bad stuff before the good stuff, so it stands to reason that you'd need more good experiences to drown out the bad ones.
Umm, what else happened this week? We had a training event, which I actually had nothing to do with, but I benefited from them having lunch brought in. That's always nice. Plus, I got to hang out with Sarah and Madison a bit more than I normally do, which is always fun.
One other interesting thing this week is that, at least early in the week, everyone that could be in our office was actually here!
This is our new board that keeps track of where everyone is so that people don't have to ask whoever is around if certain people are in that day. This is the first time that everyone has been In. Normally, it looks more like this:
We tend to have a lot of people traveling, and this month is no exception. But that just means a little more peace and quiet around here for the faithful worker bees. (Of which I am one, in case you were wondering.)
I think that's about it for this week. I need to start keeping notes again. Oh, other than me getting my utility bill for January and having a small heart attack. I have no idea how 400 sq. ft of space generates that much energy.