The Weekly Wrap-Up: October 23-27, 2017
Greetings, loyal subjects!
This has been quite the week. If you like variety, you would have loved this week, because I don't think any one day was like any other.
First, I'm still working on Portuguese. I don't think I really impressed upon you what I mean when I say I have four groups to finish. I mean I have 24 booklets of between 10 and 52 pages to format, find mistakes in, and make ready for publishing. We're close to putting these to bed, but these booklets, especially those in group 1, have to be perfect, because they set the tone for the rest of them. We're a third of the way to being done when these published, which is awesome. But I'm nowhere close to being done with all of these groups. Because reasons.
On Tuesday, we had our annual Fall Work Day. On this day, all of us office peons get to do work we're not qualified for either inside or out in the great wide world. This year, some poor people got stuck changing most of the lighting in the building. Are they electricians? No. Am I worried about one of these lights blowing up someday? Sure. But I wasn't on the lighting crew, so it's not my fault. No, I spent my morning outside weeding the front landscaping and pruning rose bushes. And by pruning, I mean chopping those babies to pieces. I was ruthless. And I was repaid with more than a few thorns jabbing into various body parts. In the afternoon, I moved rocks from one location to another. Now, I'm all about being a team player (I am contractually obligated to say that), but my body really did not appreciate the change from sitting in front of a computer all day. I'm still feeling pain in muscles I didn't even know existed.
Unfortunately, I have no pictures of this glorious event, because I'm not the type of person who stops working in order to take pictures that prove I was actually working.
I had a lot of side projects come up this week. Certain people ask me to do certain things because I usually say yes or they know I'm good at the thing or they know I'll do it quickly. There seemed to be many of these things this week. I don't mind. I like being needed. And if it's a larger project or not something I'm really qualified to do, I can usually say no or not right now.
Finally, the biggest reason I didn't get much Portuguese done this week, and also coincidentally the reason I'm still writing this at 5:10, I spent the day participating in a simulcast on EntreLeadership. This is a Dave Ramsey thing that OMS hooked up with, and about 15 of us spent most of the day watching a series of speakers talk about how to be good leaders. It was actually quite interesting, and I thought many of the principles could apply to other areas of life. Plus, I got Qdoba out of the deal. Remember in college when you went to events for the t-shirts? In the work world, it's lunch. You can get me to do a lot of things for free lunch.
Next week should be less crazy. I'm going to hit Portuguese hard. I'd like to have most if not all of it done by next Friday. You should hold me to that.
Now, the big news I hinted at last week. Prayer letters are in the mail, so it should be safe to announce.
I'm going to the Philippines!
It's a short trip at the beginning of February. I know very few details other than there's a T&M event. I'm not sure what my role will be yet. But I get to leave the country!
This makes me happy.
Now go forth and do good things for thy land.
This has been quite the week. If you like variety, you would have loved this week, because I don't think any one day was like any other.
First, I'm still working on Portuguese. I don't think I really impressed upon you what I mean when I say I have four groups to finish. I mean I have 24 booklets of between 10 and 52 pages to format, find mistakes in, and make ready for publishing. We're close to putting these to bed, but these booklets, especially those in group 1, have to be perfect, because they set the tone for the rest of them. We're a third of the way to being done when these published, which is awesome. But I'm nowhere close to being done with all of these groups. Because reasons.
On Tuesday, we had our annual Fall Work Day. On this day, all of us office peons get to do work we're not qualified for either inside or out in the great wide world. This year, some poor people got stuck changing most of the lighting in the building. Are they electricians? No. Am I worried about one of these lights blowing up someday? Sure. But I wasn't on the lighting crew, so it's not my fault. No, I spent my morning outside weeding the front landscaping and pruning rose bushes. And by pruning, I mean chopping those babies to pieces. I was ruthless. And I was repaid with more than a few thorns jabbing into various body parts. In the afternoon, I moved rocks from one location to another. Now, I'm all about being a team player (I am contractually obligated to say that), but my body really did not appreciate the change from sitting in front of a computer all day. I'm still feeling pain in muscles I didn't even know existed.
Unfortunately, I have no pictures of this glorious event, because I'm not the type of person who stops working in order to take pictures that prove I was actually working.
I had a lot of side projects come up this week. Certain people ask me to do certain things because I usually say yes or they know I'm good at the thing or they know I'll do it quickly. There seemed to be many of these things this week. I don't mind. I like being needed. And if it's a larger project or not something I'm really qualified to do, I can usually say no or not right now.
Finally, the biggest reason I didn't get much Portuguese done this week, and also coincidentally the reason I'm still writing this at 5:10, I spent the day participating in a simulcast on EntreLeadership. This is a Dave Ramsey thing that OMS hooked up with, and about 15 of us spent most of the day watching a series of speakers talk about how to be good leaders. It was actually quite interesting, and I thought many of the principles could apply to other areas of life. Plus, I got Qdoba out of the deal. Remember in college when you went to events for the t-shirts? In the work world, it's lunch. You can get me to do a lot of things for free lunch.
Next week should be less crazy. I'm going to hit Portuguese hard. I'd like to have most if not all of it done by next Friday. You should hold me to that.
Now, the big news I hinted at last week. Prayer letters are in the mail, so it should be safe to announce.
I'm going to the Philippines!
It's a short trip at the beginning of February. I know very few details other than there's a T&M event. I'm not sure what my role will be yet. But I get to leave the country!
This makes me happy.
Now go forth and do good things for thy land.