Is 2016 Over Yet?
I'm trying really hard to throw a pity party for myself.
I came home to an astronomical medical bill from the whole kidney stone thing. And then more bills from the urologist, my bank, and Amazon. I got a call from someone I really can't deal with right now for a lot of reasons. I'm sick. The expectations of this day and the hopes for the coming year are weighing me down like stones on Giles Corey.
I'm listening to flipping Tracy Chapman, for crying out loud!
But I just can't keep it up. Well, okay, I could. But I really have no reason to. Because along with the bills, my mail included a couple of gifts from people just because they wanted to be a blessing. I have heat, a car, a place to live, awesome parents, great sisters, and a God who promised to be with me every step of the way.
This is such a hard time of year for so many people. We're coming down from a huge hit of endorphins and extreme emotions. We've spent too little or too much time with people we can easily love from a distance but with close proximity bring up old memories both good and bad. We probably expected too much out of the holiday, either in gifts or personal connections, and chances are we didn't get it. If we did, we discovered it doesn't really fill that void. And to top it all off, the weather either contributes to or isn't cooperating with our mood.
Welcome to the New Year Blues.
This is a momentary thing, I know. I'll figure out how to pay my medical bills. I'll stop buying stuff on Amazon for a while. I'll get rid of this cold. People will stop asking me about resolutions eventually. My friend will hopefully get better.
In the meantime, I'm relying on tried and true methods of distraction. And I'm leaning a little more heavily on God.
Happy New Year.
I came home to an astronomical medical bill from the whole kidney stone thing. And then more bills from the urologist, my bank, and Amazon. I got a call from someone I really can't deal with right now for a lot of reasons. I'm sick. The expectations of this day and the hopes for the coming year are weighing me down like stones on Giles Corey.
I'm listening to flipping Tracy Chapman, for crying out loud!
But I just can't keep it up. Well, okay, I could. But I really have no reason to. Because along with the bills, my mail included a couple of gifts from people just because they wanted to be a blessing. I have heat, a car, a place to live, awesome parents, great sisters, and a God who promised to be with me every step of the way.
This is such a hard time of year for so many people. We're coming down from a huge hit of endorphins and extreme emotions. We've spent too little or too much time with people we can easily love from a distance but with close proximity bring up old memories both good and bad. We probably expected too much out of the holiday, either in gifts or personal connections, and chances are we didn't get it. If we did, we discovered it doesn't really fill that void. And to top it all off, the weather either contributes to or isn't cooperating with our mood.
Welcome to the New Year Blues.
This is a momentary thing, I know. I'll figure out how to pay my medical bills. I'll stop buying stuff on Amazon for a while. I'll get rid of this cold. People will stop asking me about resolutions eventually. My friend will hopefully get better.
In the meantime, I'm relying on tried and true methods of distraction. And I'm leaning a little more heavily on God.
Happy New Year.