Radio Who
This is the latest and (probably) my last radio spot for OMS.
I'm ridiculously proud of it. Alecia, our summer intern, wrote the backbone of it because she (rightly so) has a deep and abiding love for Doctor Who. Jason and I have always wanted to do a parody of it, but the timing was off or we couldn't come up with a storyline. So when Alecia wrote this and I knew I was leaving, Jason and I knew we had to record it. I did a bit of rewriting and we tweaked it here and there, reversed roles so I could play the faux-Doctor, and this was the result!
Did I mention I'm ridiculously proud of it?
Incidentally, you can hear more of our radio spots every Sunday night on Freedom 95.9 in the Indianapolis area or streaming online at as OMS airs its new radio program, One Mission Stories. You can also catch up with the podcast on These stories come from around the OMS world and give a little more insight into our missionaries. Jason is the host and does a really great job.
Also, if you can list all of the Doctor Who references in the ad above, I'll buy you a Tom Baker scarf. Maybe. You have to get all of them, though!
I'm ridiculously proud of it. Alecia, our summer intern, wrote the backbone of it because she (rightly so) has a deep and abiding love for Doctor Who. Jason and I have always wanted to do a parody of it, but the timing was off or we couldn't come up with a storyline. So when Alecia wrote this and I knew I was leaving, Jason and I knew we had to record it. I did a bit of rewriting and we tweaked it here and there, reversed roles so I could play the faux-Doctor, and this was the result!
Did I mention I'm ridiculously proud of it?
Incidentally, you can hear more of our radio spots every Sunday night on Freedom 95.9 in the Indianapolis area or streaming online at as OMS airs its new radio program, One Mission Stories. You can also catch up with the podcast on These stories come from around the OMS world and give a little more insight into our missionaries. Jason is the host and does a really great job.
Also, if you can list all of the Doctor Who references in the ad above, I'll buy you a Tom Baker scarf. Maybe. You have to get all of them, though!