Thailand Photos, Part 3

Our trip wasn't all meetings and such. We also got to do some exploring!

Recognize the boats? They are in just about every movie shot in South Asia ever.
We took a nice boat ride. (See video.)

Along the river. I don't think it's possible to count how many Buddhas are in Thailand.

Then we went to an elephant camp. For real.

This is what the ground looks like from on top an elephant.

I let go of the 'safety' bar long enough for this photo. See the panic in my eyes?

13 elephants for our group.

Then we saw snakes. From far away.

This is actually a really interesting museum about the drug trade in Thailand.

Laos. Really.

The Golden Triangle.

Hindu or Buddhist, it didn't seem to matter the origin. If they think it will help, they enshrine it.
In case you were wondering how we got on and off the elephant.

Thailand Photos, Part 4


Thailand Photos, Part 2