
I spend a lot of time inside my head.

It's a dangerous place to be.

I think about very nebulous and large topics like politics and religion.

I think about very specific topics like how the air coming into the building now smells like wet fabric with a hint of hay and whether I should park my car on the street or in the garage.

I think about TV shows I want to watch, books I need to reread, calls I should be making.

What work will look like this week.

Whether or not to adopt a cat.

How long I can get away with dancing in the rain before I get sick.

Why dancing in the rain for the rest of my life sounds infinitely more preferable than funding.

How tired of thinking about funding I really am.


The universe.


How 42 really doesn't answer anything.

Who even reads this stuff.

Four-Fold Focus


In Which I Rant. Again.