What has Jessica been up to lately?
I realize that there are people who read my blog and people who read my prayer letters, but there might also be people who don't actually read both. So I'm posting part of my prayer letter here. If you want the whole thing, let me know.
there were actual verses to go with the chorus. I sang it like I meant it - there is no other way to
be happy (or joyful) as a Christian but to trust God and obey His commands. It is a simple concept
when you’re a child - if you obey your parents, life is easier.
before going to bed. The world outside the Christian bubble starts to intrude, and that simple joy
you had as a child when you learned about Jesus begins to fade. You’re dissatisfied with what
you’ve been given, and you start looking for anything to fill the void you can feel in your soul.
You find yourself at a crossroad, and your choices are clear - follow God’s will or follow your own.
There are no half measures, no sitting on the fence. If you aren’t actively pursuing God’s call on
your life, you are in disobedience to His will.
Trust and Obey
For there’s no other way
To be happy in Jesus
But to Trust and Obey
I sang this little hymn hundreds of times when I was younger, and again when I grew up and realizedthere were actual verses to go with the chorus. I sang it like I meant it - there is no other way to
be happy (or joyful) as a Christian but to trust God and obey His commands. It is a simple concept
when you’re a child - if you obey your parents, life is easier.
But obedience becomes more of a challenge as you grow older. You start to realize that there is
more to being a Christian than just singing your la-las in church and reading a quick devotionbefore going to bed. The world outside the Christian bubble starts to intrude, and that simple joy
you had as a child when you learned about Jesus begins to fade. You’re dissatisfied with what
you’ve been given, and you start looking for anything to fill the void you can feel in your soul.
You find yourself at a crossroad, and your choices are clear - follow God’s will or follow your own.
There are no half measures, no sitting on the fence. If you aren’t actively pursuing God’s call on
your life, you are in disobedience to His will.
At One Mission Society, we’ve been focusing a great deal of attention on the idea of discipleship -
what it means, how we do it, where it leads. Our mission statement is clear: By God's grace, One Mission Society unites, inspires and equips Christians to make disciples of Jesus Christ, multiplying dynamic communities of believers around the world.
We have a lot of ministries at OMS, but our primary goal is making disciples - making obedient followers of Christ. When I joined OMS and Global Ministries, I was obeying God’s call on my life. Sometimes, it is difficult to understand why God called me here, but I do believe that I have an important role in this ministry. Every article I write, every prayer letter I edit and mail, every prayer card, receipt, Facebook post - everything is for the glory of God and expansion of His kingdom. If I can motivate just one person to begin pursuing God’s call on his or her own life, then I feel I’ve fulfilled my own calling.
I would like to invite you to join me in being an obedient follower of Christ. You might be called to a
faraway land, or you might be right where you’re supposed to be. Maybe you’re called to be faithful
in financial support of your church or missionary; I know you are called to be faithful in prayer.
Whatever your call may be, it is my prayer that you not ignore it. There really is no other way to be
happy in Jesus but to trust and obey.