I have no excuse. I just haven't felt like posting. Everything I could talk about seems inadequate.
I've been in this weird mood, lately. Well, it's not weird for me. It happens every so often. But it's hard to snap out of it. I'm not really sure how.
My trip to Pennsylvania was brilliant. I met many fantastic people who showed a lot of interest in my trip to Thailand and South Asia. They were very good to me and my traveling companions, and I hope I can visit with them again in the near future.
I may have also purchased a really awesome souvenir in Gettysburg. But I'll leave that to your imagination.
Remember way back in time, when I mentioned my spider bite? Yeah, it's still there. It hadn't been bothering me, I think mostly because I've learned to compensate and not use it as much. However, I accidentally bumped it the other day, and sure enough, it started radiating pain again. This must have been one mother of a spider!
On the subject of creepy crawlies, I figured out a mostly-successful solution to my ant problem. (I had ants in my apartment. Big ones.) My dear friend Arika suggested using Boric Acid. So I bought some. And I've decided I like it. I used to drown the ants in Raid, but now, when I see one, it's dead and covered in a fine, white powder.
Sadistic? Yes. Awesome? Definitely.
Let's see. Oh! We have more people in our office now. Beka left us for Mobilization (I'm getting over it. Really.), and we got some interns for the summer! I'll try to get a picture of them sometime so you can see who I get to torture now. (I'm not that bad. Am I?) Anyway, whereas I had no one sitting by me after Beka left, I now have people across from me, beside me and diagonal from me.
I had to stop playing Solitaire at work. :(
Just kidding! Now I just hide it better.
I told you I was in a weird mood.
Let's see. Anything else happen lately? Nothing is really coming to mind. I updated the blog. There are tags for each post, and you can now view my blog on a mobile device. I'm considering Google's ad deal, but I don't want to inundate you guys. However, I am increasingly short on funds. I'm being stretched rather thin, especially with all these trips.
Oh yeah! I'm going to Poland in two weeks. I was really sick the last time I went, so I'm hoping this experience makes up for how miserable I was before. A few other really bad things happened on that trip, and I'm trying not to let that overshadow my preparations. Not that I've really begun preparing for the trip, of course. I'm too busy trying to get things together at work. Next week. Right?
Okay, I'm going to coffee break at MFM soon, so I'm going to leave you with a fantastic new word that Lori and I found. Are you ready for this?
--adherence to or persistence in an erroneous use of language, memorization, practice, belief, etc., out of habit or obstinacy
Love it!
I've been in this weird mood, lately. Well, it's not weird for me. It happens every so often. But it's hard to snap out of it. I'm not really sure how.
My trip to Pennsylvania was brilliant. I met many fantastic people who showed a lot of interest in my trip to Thailand and South Asia. They were very good to me and my traveling companions, and I hope I can visit with them again in the near future.
I may have also purchased a really awesome souvenir in Gettysburg. But I'll leave that to your imagination.
Remember way back in time, when I mentioned my spider bite? Yeah, it's still there. It hadn't been bothering me, I think mostly because I've learned to compensate and not use it as much. However, I accidentally bumped it the other day, and sure enough, it started radiating pain again. This must have been one mother of a spider!
On the subject of creepy crawlies, I figured out a mostly-successful solution to my ant problem. (I had ants in my apartment. Big ones.) My dear friend Arika suggested using Boric Acid. So I bought some. And I've decided I like it. I used to drown the ants in Raid, but now, when I see one, it's dead and covered in a fine, white powder.
Sadistic? Yes. Awesome? Definitely.
Let's see. Oh! We have more people in our office now. Beka left us for Mobilization (I'm getting over it. Really.), and we got some interns for the summer! I'll try to get a picture of them sometime so you can see who I get to torture now. (I'm not that bad. Am I?) Anyway, whereas I had no one sitting by me after Beka left, I now have people across from me, beside me and diagonal from me.
I had to stop playing Solitaire at work. :(
Just kidding! Now I just hide it better.
I told you I was in a weird mood.
Let's see. Anything else happen lately? Nothing is really coming to mind. I updated the blog. There are tags for each post, and you can now view my blog on a mobile device. I'm considering Google's ad deal, but I don't want to inundate you guys. However, I am increasingly short on funds. I'm being stretched rather thin, especially with all these trips.
Oh yeah! I'm going to Poland in two weeks. I was really sick the last time I went, so I'm hoping this experience makes up for how miserable I was before. A few other really bad things happened on that trip, and I'm trying not to let that overshadow my preparations. Not that I've really begun preparing for the trip, of course. I'm too busy trying to get things together at work. Next week. Right?
Okay, I'm going to coffee break at MFM soon, so I'm going to leave you with a fantastic new word that Lori and I found. Are you ready for this?
--adherence to or persistence in an erroneous use of language, memorization, practice, belief, etc., out of habit or obstinacy
Love it!