Two Things...

First, I may have mentioned to some of you that I'm taking a trip in April. I won't mention where I'm going for security reasons, but I'm having some visa issues, so please be praying for that.

Second, I got bit by a spider or something (I didn't see the actual creature) a couple of weeks ago, and the bump from that has not gone away. Furthermore, the area around the bite has become very tender and itchy, and when I press on it, I feel a sharp pain that radiates like a deep tissue bruise. I've not done anything about it, and I'm still hoping it goes away, but I'm also hoping that it doesn't get any worse.

It looked worse before, but it really is quite painful. Also, it's right on the knuckle, which makes it ten times worse. The picture really doesn't do it justice.

That is all.


Ah, Bliss