That would be the current time. Clearly, I have some adjusting to do.
BUT, my pain is your gain. So, here we go!
I'd just like to say first that 8 hours on a plane is way too much. It's like sitting in a car for eight hours with 150 other people without stopping to get out and stretch. And depending on who you sit next to, this can be a very interesting experience. I'm going to have to work on my endurance. There are a lot more interesting places to go that take twice the amount of time.
Anyway, I'm here now, and it's lovely! As Troy (our host/guide/master of all things) was driving through Spain (not something I'll be attempting any time soon, btw), I felt like I was in Pennsylvania or out West. It felt so familiar, and yet so foreign at the same time. I'll see more of the country tomorrow (today), but just the brief glimpse I got today was beautiful. Minus the rush hour traffic - that just looked ugly, and I'm very thankful we didn't have to deal with much of it.
We probably got to Troy and Julie's house around 0930, and then I don't remember much of anything until 1330. I think that nap is what is keeping me up right now, but I'm not sure I would have made it the rest of the day without it. Ah, the perils of travel! We had a lovely lunch, and then Samantha and I talked for about two hours. She is the other single senorita on the trip, and she's from Pennsylvania, and she makes me laugh. A lot. Like, every time she says anything, I'm laughing. Though that could have been because I was tired. But I'm pretty sure she's funny all the time.
Then one of the senora's made dinner (really early for Spain) and we got to meet Hannah and Ethan, Troy and Julie's kids. Hannah is a junior at ECA, and Ethan is in 8th grade and collects swords. Awesome kid. :)
We were off to an advanced English class/discussion group after that. I admit, I was nervous, because this whole TESOL thing is completely new to me. It was a lot of fun, though, and most of the people who came were fairly fluent. I had some one-on-one time with Elena and Laura, and we talked about movies, hunting, writing, Protestantism and everything in between. It was an excellent experience, and it was a great opportunity for me to learn more about Spain. It definitely makes me feel better about the English camp this weekend, though I am still nervous. I have faith, though, that it is going to be awesome!
Okay, hopefully I'm more tired now. We'll see. If you could pray for something specific, though, I'd appreciate it. I have some kind of respiratory thing and a very sore throat, and I would like both to go away, so please pray for that to happen. I really don't want to be sick the whole time I'm here.
I'll post pictures and such at a later date. Next post will hopefully be at a more Godly hour. ;)
BUT, my pain is your gain. So, here we go!
I'd just like to say first that 8 hours on a plane is way too much. It's like sitting in a car for eight hours with 150 other people without stopping to get out and stretch. And depending on who you sit next to, this can be a very interesting experience. I'm going to have to work on my endurance. There are a lot more interesting places to go that take twice the amount of time.
Anyway, I'm here now, and it's lovely! As Troy (our host/guide/master of all things) was driving through Spain (not something I'll be attempting any time soon, btw), I felt like I was in Pennsylvania or out West. It felt so familiar, and yet so foreign at the same time. I'll see more of the country tomorrow (today), but just the brief glimpse I got today was beautiful. Minus the rush hour traffic - that just looked ugly, and I'm very thankful we didn't have to deal with much of it.
We probably got to Troy and Julie's house around 0930, and then I don't remember much of anything until 1330. I think that nap is what is keeping me up right now, but I'm not sure I would have made it the rest of the day without it. Ah, the perils of travel! We had a lovely lunch, and then Samantha and I talked for about two hours. She is the other single senorita on the trip, and she's from Pennsylvania, and she makes me laugh. A lot. Like, every time she says anything, I'm laughing. Though that could have been because I was tired. But I'm pretty sure she's funny all the time.
Then one of the senora's made dinner (really early for Spain) and we got to meet Hannah and Ethan, Troy and Julie's kids. Hannah is a junior at ECA, and Ethan is in 8th grade and collects swords. Awesome kid. :)
We were off to an advanced English class/discussion group after that. I admit, I was nervous, because this whole TESOL thing is completely new to me. It was a lot of fun, though, and most of the people who came were fairly fluent. I had some one-on-one time with Elena and Laura, and we talked about movies, hunting, writing, Protestantism and everything in between. It was an excellent experience, and it was a great opportunity for me to learn more about Spain. It definitely makes me feel better about the English camp this weekend, though I am still nervous. I have faith, though, that it is going to be awesome!
Okay, hopefully I'm more tired now. We'll see. If you could pray for something specific, though, I'd appreciate it. I have some kind of respiratory thing and a very sore throat, and I would like both to go away, so please pray for that to happen. I really don't want to be sick the whole time I'm here.
I'll post pictures and such at a later date. Next post will hopefully be at a more Godly hour. ;)