Day One
I feel like there is so much I want to say, but it's going to take a lifetime to get it all out! This first day of training has just been a great experience. There are some really great people going through it with me, and our instructors really know their stuff. It's also teaching me that I need to be more prepared to dive right in. I'm so used to just putting a toe in to test the waters, and imagine my surprise when they just toss you right in the deep end! But you learn so much about yourself and about others, and everyone is so helpful. We got a lot of the preliminaries out of the way, and then got right into the heart of some doctrinal issues that missionaries have to face, and our motivations in the face of what is happening around the world.
Plus, we got to play with play-dough.
Right now, I've got some homework to take care of, but check back frequently, as I'll try to keep you apprised of my doings.
Plus, we got to play with play-dough.
Right now, I've got some homework to take care of, but check back frequently, as I'll try to keep you apprised of my doings.