Pay no attention to the time stamp
The China team arrived safely Sunday after a successful, and only mildly bumpy, trip. I and several others were at the Ft. Wayne airport to welcome the majority of our weary travelers home. It's nice having my mother back - I actually eat real food. :)
THANK YOU to everyone for your prayers lately. I have managed to acquire two very important pieces of equipment in the past week, which has been an incredible blessing. The project for this week is to get in touch with Operation Mobilization (OM) and see what they recommend for the other equipment I will need. This will all lead to a future project - figuring out how to get everything into and out of each country.
One logical impossibility at a time.
On a more personal level, things seem to be going well. I meet new and interesting people every day at work, and I even had time last weekend to attend my five-year high school reunion. It was nice to catch up on everyone's lives.
***Other Updates***
After a much-needed vacay, Wes and Jean Bell are back on the field. There are still some health concerns, but they are looking forward to the new school year.
The Hendricks are also back in Spain after their trip to the U.S. in June. Please continue to pray for their family and the new church plant.